Halls Gap Caravan Park & Recreation Reserve Committee of Management

The Halls Gap Caravan Park and Recreation Reserve Committee of Management Incorporated (HGCPRRC), is responsible for the day to day management, care and protection of the Halls Gap Caravan Park and Recreation Reserves, located on Crown land in Halls Gap. The Committee does so on behalf of the local community and the wider Victorian community. The HGCPRRC operates under the auspices of the Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action (DEECA.)

The physical areas overseen by the HGCPRRC include:

    • Halls Gap Recreation Reserve
    • Halls Gap Swimming Pool
    • Halls Gap Botanic Garden
    • Halls Gap Picnic Ground

Funds are received from the lease of the Caravan Park and the lease of space for communication equipment at the Recreation Reserve. Some funds are also received from the renting out of the pavilion at the Recreation Reserve.

Funds are committed to the upkeep of the above assets as well investment in upgrades.  Example of upgrades include the water playground at the swimming pool, drainage and watering system at the Recreation Reserve and the upgrading of roads within the caravan park.