There are several emergency service agencies that plan for emergencies on behalf of the community e.g. the CFA and SES.
This is no way removes the responsibility each one of us has for the safety of ourselves and those we love, particularly those who are dependent on us for their safety. You should plan and prepare for emergencies so that you can respond effectively to such events.
Do you have a Plan?
For Bushfire:
- The CFA Plan and Prepare pages provide specific bushfire information including a link to local Wimmera information. The Fire Ready Kit contains planning templates.
- The Information Guide may provide a useful summary for visitors.
For Floods and landslides:
- The Halls Gap Local Flood and Landslide Guide provides appropriate information.
For heatwaves
- The Heat Health Factsheet provides guidance.
The Red Cross have a number of resources available for planning, responding and recovering from emergencies, including their Emergency REDiPlan: four easy-to-follow steps to prepare.