July 2024

144.5 mm for July bringing the progressive total for July 2024 to 395.5 mm. This compares to the same period last year of 105.5 mm for July with a progressive total of 635.5 mm. As of the 31st of July Lake Bellfield is holding 68,220ML or 87% full compared to the same period last year of 75,990ML or 97% full. The total system is holding 314,000ML or 56.04% compared to the same period last year of 413,020ML or 73.71% full. Mount William received 191.4 mm for July 2024. The highest temperature of 10.3 C was recorded on the 6th July and the lowest of – 2.2 C was recorded on the 28th July 2024. The highest wind speed of 135 km/h was recorded on the 24th July 2024.

June 2024

63.5 mm for June bringing the progressive total for June 2024 to 251 mm. This compares to the same period last year of 175.5 mm with a progressive total of 426.5 mm.  As of the 26th of June Lake Bellfield is holding 67,170ML or 86% full compared to the same period last year of 74,220ML or 96% full. Mount William received 77mm for June 2024.  The highest temperature of 13.8 C was recorded on the 22th of June and the lowest of – 1.5 C was recorded on the 18th of June 2024. The highest wind speed of 93 km/h was recorded on the 25th June 2024.

May 2024

22 mm for May 2024 bringing the progressive total to 187.5 mm. This compares to the same period last year of 72.5 mm with a progressive total of 250 mm.  As of the 29th of May 2023 Lake Bellfield is holding 67,820ML or 86% full compared to the same period last year of 68,620 ML or 87% full. The total system is holding 309,290 ML or 55.20% full compared to the same period last year of 359,720 Ml or 64.20% full.  Mount William received 43.8 mm for May 2024. The highest temperature of 14.9 C was recorded on the 4th May and the lowest temperature of -0.4 was recorded on the 18th of May 2024.  The highest wind speed of 122 km/h was recorded on the 30th May 2024.

April 2024

60.5 mm for April 2024 bringing the progressive total to 165.5 mm. This compares to the same period last year of 103.5 mm for April with a progressive total of 177.5 mm.  As of the 24th April 2024 Lake Bellfield is holding 69,100 ML or 88% full compared to the same period last year of 69,280 ML or 88% full.   Mount William received 97 mm for April 2024. The highest temperature of 18 C was recorded on the 6th of April and the lowest of 1.1 C was recorded on the 30th April 2024.

March 2024

2.5 mm for March 2024 bringing the progressive total to 105 mm. This compares to the same period last year of 23 mm for March and a progressive total of 74 mm.  Lake Bellfield is holding 70,230 ML or 89% full compared to the same period last year of 71,500 ML or 91% full. Mount William received 7 mm for March 2024. The highest temperature of 31.4 C was recorded on the 9th of March and the lowest temperature of 2.5 C was recorded on the 20th and 21st of March 2024. The highest wind speed of 81 km/h was recorded on the 19th of March 2024.

February 2024

0 mm for February 2024 bringing the progressive total to 102.5 mm. This is the driest February since 2004. This compares to the same period last year of 41.5 mm and a progressive total of 51 mm. As of the 28th February 2024 Lake Bellfield is holding 72,140 ML or 92% full compared to the same period last year of 74,680 ML or 95% full. The total system is holding 350,600 ML or 62.57% full compared to the same period last year of 380,080 ML or 67.83% full. Mount William received 4 mm for February 2024. The highest temperature of 30.7 C was recorded on the 4th of February and the lowest of 3.2 C was recorded on the 15th February. The highest wind speed of 98km/h was recorded on the 22nd of February 2024.

January 2024

A good January 2024 with 102.5 mm this compares to the same period last year of 10.5 mm. As of Jan 31st 2024 Lake Bellfield is holding 74,170 ML or 94% compared to the same period last year of 76,600 or 98% full. The total system is holding 372,890 ML or 66.55% full compared to 407,050 ML or 72.65% full. Mount William received 128.6 mm. The highest temperature of 27.1 C was recorded on the 12th January 2024 and the lowest of 3.9 C was recorded on the 22nd January 2024. The highest wind speed of 70 km/h was recorded on the 16th Jan 2024.

December 2023

0 mm for December bringing the progressive total for 2023 to 963.5 mm.This compares to the same period last year of 38.5 mm for December with a progressive total of 1424.0 mm. Previous years are: 2022 – 1424.0 mm, 2021 – 1096.5 mm, 2020 – 989.0 mm, 2019 – 840.5 mm, 2018 – 942.5 mm,2017 – 985.5 mm, 2016- 1272.00 mm,2015 – 740.5 mm. As of the 20th December 2023 Lake Bellfield is holding 73,750ML or 94 % full compared to the same period last year of 77,890ML or 99 % full. The total system is holding 386.320ML or 68.95 % compared to the same Period last year of 425,750 ML or 75.98 % full. Mount William received 183.0 mm for December 2023. The highest temperature of 28.8 C. was recorded on the 12th of December and the lowest of 1.7 C was recorded on the 20th December 2023. The highest wind speed of 104 km/h was recorded on the 8th December 2023.

November 2023

73.5 mm for November 2023 bringing the progressive total for 2023 to 873.5 mm. This compares to the same period last year of 155.5 mm for November with a progressive total of 1385.5 mm. As of the 29th of November 2023 Lake Bellfield is holding 74,590 ML or 95% full compared to the same period last year of 79,140 ML or 101% full. The total system is holding 397,990 ML or 71.03% full compared to the same period last year of 441,870 ML or 78.86% full. Mount William received 56 mm for November 2023.  The highest temperature of 26 C. was recorded on the 10th of November and the lowest of 0.7 C was recorded on the 4th of November 2023.  The highest wind speed of 98 km/ h was recorded on the 11th of November 2023.

October 2023

53 mm for October bringing the progressive total for 2023 to 800 mm. This compares to the same period last year of 342.5 mm for October with a progressive total of 1228 mm. As of the 1st of November 2023 Lake Bellfield is holding 76,040 ML or 97% full compared to the same period last year of 79,090 ML or 101% full. The total system is holding 411,690 ML or 73.48% full compared to the same period last year of 362,380 ML or 64.67% full. Mount William received 89.8 mm for October 2023. The highest temperature of 21.9 C was recorded on the 20th of October and the lowest of -1.2 C was recorded on the 26th of October. The highest wind speed of 115 km/h was recorded on the 24th of October 2023.

September 2023

48 mm for September bringing the progressive total for 2023 to 747 mm. This compares to the same period last year of 155.5 mm for September with a progressive total of 885.5 mm. As of the 27 of September 2023 Lake Bellfield is holding 77,180 ML or 98% full compared to the same period last year of 65,100 ML or 83% full. The total system is holding 427,390 ML or 76.28% full compared to the same period last year of 266,200 ML or 47.51%.  Mount William received 67.4 mm for September 2023. The highest temperature of 19.2 C was recorded on the 29th of September and the lowest of -1.6 C was recorded on the 9th of September. The highest wind speed of 122 km/h was recorded on the 7th of September 2023.

August 2023

63.5 mm for August bringing the progressive total for 2023 to 699.0 mm. This compares to the same period last year of 219.5 mm for August with a progressive total of 730.0 mm. As of the 30 of August 2023 Lake Bellfield is holding 76,840 ML or 98% full compared to the same period last year of 56,670 ML or 72% full. The total system is holding 425,770 ML or 75.99% full compared to the same period last year of193,700 ML or 34.57 %.

July 2023

105.5 mm for July bringing the progressive total for 2023 to 635.5 mm. This compares to the same period last year of 84 mm for July with a progressive total of 510.5 mm. As of the 26th of July 2023 Lake Bellfield is holding 75,990 ML or 97% full compared to the same period last year of 52,980 ML or 67% full. The total system is holding 413,020 ML or 73.71% full compared to the same period last year of 174,400 ML or 31.13%. Mount William received 137.8 mm for July 2023. The highest temperature of 10.6 C was recorded on the 25th of July and the lowest of -0.7 C was recorded on the 19th July. The highest wind speed of 96 km/h was recorded on the 8th July 2023.

June 2023

280 mm for June bringing the progressive total for 2023 to 530 mm. This compares to the same period last year of 175.5 mm for June with a progressive total of 426.5 mm. As of the 28th June 2023 Lake Bellfield is holding 74,220 ML or 94% full compared to the same period last year of 52,290 ML or 67% full. The total system is holding 388,210 ML or 69.28% full compared to the same period last year of 170,870 ML or 30.50%. Mount William received 324.8 mm for June 2023. The highest temperature of 6.9C was recorded on the 7th of June and the lowest of – 1.6 C was recorded on the 21st of June. The highest wind speed of 91 km/h was recorded on the 18th June 2023.

May 2023

72.5 mm for May 2023 bringing the progressive total for May to 250 mm. This compares to the same period last year of 67 mm for May 2023 with a progressive total of 251 mm. As of the 31st May Lake Bellfield is holding 68,620 ML or 87% full compared to the same period last year of 51,260 ML or 65% full. The total system is holding 359,720 ML or 64.20% full compared to the same period last year of 165,620 ML or 29.56 % full. Mount William received 143.8 mm for May 2023. The highest temperature of 12.8 C.  was recorded on the 14th of May 2023 and the lowest temperature of -1.4 C was recorded on the 7th May 2023. The highest wind speed of 96 km/h was recorded on the 3rd of May 2023.

April 2023

103.5 mm for April bringing the progressive total for 2023 to 177.5 mm. This compares to the same period last year of 62.5 mm for April with a progressive total of 184.0 mm. As of the 26th of April 2023 Lake Bellfield is holding 69,280 ML or 88% full compared to the same period last year of 52,020 ML or 66 % full. The total system is holding 363,470 ML or 64.87% full compared to the same period last year of 169,860 ML or 30.32% full. Mount William received 177.0 mm for April 2023. The highest temperature of 17.8 C was recorded on the 4th of April and the lowest temperature of 1.3 C was recorded on the 29th April 2023. The highest wind speed of 107 km/h was recorded on the 27th of April 2023.

March 2023

23 mm for March 2023 with a progressive total of 74 mm. This compares to the same period last year of 12 mm for March with a progressive total of 121.5 mm.  As of the 29th March 2023 Lake Bellfield is holding 71,500 ML or 91% full compared to the same period last year of 53,250 ML or 68% full.  The total system is holding 365,190 ML or 65.18% full compared to the same period last year of 178,680 ML or 31.89% full.  Mount William received 55 mm for March 2023. The highest temperature of 23.6 C was recorded on the 5th of March and the lowest of 2.5 C was recorded on the 8th of March 2023. The highest wind speed of 91 km/h was recorded on the 18th March 2023.

February 2023

41.5 mm for February bringing the progressive total for 2023 to 51 mm.  This compares to the same period last year of 10.5 mm for February with a progressive total of 109.5 mm for 2022.  As of the 22nd of February 2023 Lake Bellfield is holding 75,150ML or 96% full compared to the same period last year of 55,090ML or 70% full.  The total system is holding 386,390 ML or 68.96% full compared to the same period last year of 191,180ML or 34.12% full.  Mount William received 17.2 mm for February 2023. The highest temperature of 30.2 C was recorded on the 10th of February and the lowest of 1.0 C was recorded on the 4th February 2023. The highest wind speed of 76 km/h was recorded on the 25th February 2023.

January 2023

10.5 mm for January 2023, this compares to the same period last year of 99 mm for January 2022.  As of the 25th January 2023 Lake Bellfield is holding 76,600ML or 98% full compared to the same period last year of 57,000ML or 73% full. The total system is holding 407,040ML or 75.65% full compared to the same period last year of 206,440ML or 36.84% full. Mount William received 7.6mm for January 2023. The highest temperature of 29.1 C was recorded on the 14th of January and the lowest of 2.4 C was recorded on the 19th January 2023. The highest wind speed of 81 km/h was recorded on the 15th January 2023.

December 2022

38.5 mm for December bringing the progressive total for 2022 to 1424 mm.  This compares to the same period last year of 9 mm for December with a progressive total of 1096.5 mm. 2022 recordings are the highest since 1992 when we received a total of 1456.5 mm.  As of the 21st of December 2022 Lake Bellfield is holding 78,460 ML or 100% full compared to the same period last year of 58,050 ML or 74% full. The total system is holding 436,430 ML or 77.89% compared to the same period last year of 219,150 ML or 39.11 % full.  Mount William received 24.6 mm for December 2022. The highest temperature of 29.4 C was recorded on the 27th of December and the lowest of 0.1 C was recorded on the 14th of December 2022. The highest wind speed of 102 km/h was recorded on the 28th December 2022.

November 2022

155.5 mm for November (this once again is the highest rainfall for November since “official records” for Halls Gap started in 1958).This brings the progressive total for 2022 to 1385.5 mm. This compares to the same period last year of 70.5 mm for November with a progressive total of 1087.5 mm for 2021.
As of the 30th of November 2022 Lake Bellfield is holding 78,850 ML or 100% full compared to the same period last year of 60,309 ML or 77% full. The total system is holding 445,080ML or 79.43% full compared to the same period last year of 241,620 ML or 43.12 % full.
Mount William received 104.2 mm for November 2022. The highest temperature of 21 C was recorded on the 9th of November and the lowest of -1.3 C was recorded on the 2nd November 2022. The highest wind speed of   102 km/h was recorded on the 10th November 2022.

October 2022

342.5 mm for October (this is the highest rainfall for October since “official records” for Halls Gap started in 1958). This brings the progressive total for 2022 to 1228.0 mm.  As of the 28th October 2022 Lake Bellfield is holding 79,570 ML or 101% full compared to the same period last year of 59,930 ML or 76% full. The total system is holding 371,380 ML or 66.28% full. This compares to the same period last year of 244,190 ML or 43.58% full.  Mount William received 229.0 mm for October 2022. The highest temperature of 19.9 C was recorded on the 20th of October and the lowest of -0.3 C was recorded on the 9th of October 2022. The highest wind speed of 111 km/h was recorded on the 5th October 2022.

September 2022

155.5 mm for September bringing the progressive total to 885.5 mm. This compares to the same period last year of 68.5 mm for September with a  progressive total of 924.5 mm.  As of the 28th of September Lake Bellfield is holding 65,100 ML or 83% full compared to the same period last year of 58,330 ML or 74% full. The total system is holding 266,200 ML or 47.51% full compared to the same period last year of 238,520 ML or 42.57% full.  Mount William received 131.8 mm for September 2022. The highest temperature of 6.2 C was recorded on the 22nd and 23rd of September and the lowest of  -1.5 C was recorded on the 2nd of September. The highest wind speed of 83 km/h was recorded on the 7th,8th,14th,17th and 18th of September 2022.

August 2022

219.5 mm for August bringing the progressive total to 730 mm. This compares to the same period last year of 88.0 mm for August with a progressive total of 856.0 mm. As of the 31st of August Lake Bellfield is holding 58,460 ML or 74% full compared to the same period last year of 57,920 ML or 74% full. The total system is holding 208,930 ML or 37.29% full compared to the same period last year of 234,260 ML or 41.81% full.  Mount William received 194.8 mm for August 2022. The highest temperature of 11.4 C was recorded on the 28th of August and the lowest of -2.4 C was recorded on the 23rd of August. The highest wind speed of 122 km/h was recorded on the 3rd of August 2022.

July 2022

84 mm for July bringing the progressive total to 510.5 mm for 2022. This compares to the same period last year of 203.5 mm for July with a progressive total of 768.5 mm.  As of the 27th July 2022 Lake Bellfield is holding 52,980 ML or 67% full compared to the same period last year of 53,520 ML or 68% full. The total system is holding 174,400 ML or 31.13% full compared to the same period last year of 196,580 ML or 35.08% full.  Mount William received 9.8 mm for July ( once again I think there was a malfunction in the recordings between the 1st of July and the 28th of July, hopefully this has been corrected.) The highest temperature of 8.6 C was recorded on the 28th July and the lowest temperature of -1.7 C was recorded on the 19th and 20th of July. The highest wind speed of 85 km/h was recorded on the 4th,8th and 22nd of July 2022.

June 2022

175.5 mm for June bringing the progressive total to 426.5 mm for 2022. This compares to the same period last year of 205 mm with a progressive total of 483.5 mm.  As of the 29th of June Lake Bellfield is holding 52,290ML or 67% full compared to the same period last year of 46,090 ML or 59% full. The total system is holding 170,870ML or 30.50% full compared to the same period last year of 167,080ML or 29.82% full.  Mount William received 4.8 mm for June (once again I think there was a malfunction in the recordings between June the 1st and June the 30th) The highest temperature of 8.6 C was recorded on the 18th June and the lowest of -2 C was recorded on the 1st of June. The highest wind speed of 96km/ h was recorded on the 5th of June 2022.

May 2022

67 mm for May bringing the progressive total to 251 mm for 2022. This compares to the same period last year of 82 mm for May bringing the progressive total to 360 mm. This is the lowest rainfall reading for May since 2013 of 51.5 mm with a progressive total of 163.5 mm.  As of the 01 June 2022 Lake Bellfield is holding 51,220ML or 65% full compared to the same period last year of 44,210ML or 56% full. The total system is holding 165,570ML or 29.55% full compared to the same period last year of 160,560ML or 28.66% full.  Mount William received 92.2 mm for May 2022. The highest temperature of 13.2 C was recorded on the 10th of May and the lowest of -1.1 C was recorded on the 31st of May. The highest wind speed of 85 km/h was recorded on the 15th May 2022.

April 2022

62.5 mm for April bringing the progressive total to 184.0 mm for 2022. This compares to the same period last year of 28.5 mm for April with a progressive total of 278 mm for 2021.  As of the 27th of April 2022 Lake Bellfield is holding 52,020 ML or 66% full compared to the same period last year of 44,950 ML or 57% full. The total system is holding 169,860 ML or 30.32 % full compared to the same period last year of 163,410 ML or 29.16 % full.  Mount William received 46.6 mm for April 2022. The highest temperature of 20.4 C was recorded on the 10th of April and the lowest of 2.4 C was recorded on the 23rd and 30th of April. The highest wind speed of 78 km/h was recorded on the 17th of April 2022.

March 2022

12 mm for March 2022  with a progressive total of 121.5 mm.  This compares to the same period last year of 76.5 mm with a progressive total of  249.5 mm.
As of the 30th of March Lake Bellfield is holding 53,250ML or 68% full compared to the same period last year of 46,620ML or 59% full. The total system is holding 178,660ML or 31.89% full compared to the same period last year of 171,830ML or 30.67% full.  Mount William received 42 mm for March 2022. The highest temperature of 24.7 C was recorded on the 3rd of March and the lowest temperature of 3.5 C  was recorded on the 31st of March. The highest wind speed of  91 km/h was recorded on 6th & 8th of March 2022.

February 2022

10.5 mm for February 2022. This compares to the same period last year of 8 mm for February 2021.  As of the 23rd of February 2022 Lake Bellfield is holding 55,090ML or 70% full compared to the same period last year of 49,650ML or 63% full.  The total system is holding 191,180ML or 34.12% full compared to the same period last year of 180,910ML or 32.29% full.  Mount William received 11.6 mm for February 2022. The highest temperature of 27.5C was recorded on the 13th February 2022 and the lowest of 3.1C was recorded on the 2nd of February 2022. The highest wind speed of 100 km/h was recorded on the 13th February 2022.

January 2022

99 mm for January 2022. This compares to the same period last year of  165 mm for January 2021.  As of 25th January 2022 Lake Bellfield is holding 57,000ML or 73%  full compared to the same period last year of 51,030ML or 65% full. The total system is holding 206,440ML or 36.84% full compared to the  same period last year of 194,000ML or 34.62% full.  Mount William received 59.4 mm for January 2022. The highest temperature of 31.3 C was recorded on the 25th January 2022 and the lowest of 4.5 C was recorded on the 4th January 2022. The highest wind speed of 78 km/h was recorded on the 13th,27th & 28th of January 2022.

December 2021

9 mm for December bringing the progressive total for 2021 to 1096.5 mm. This compares to the same period last year of 36.5 mm for December with a progressive total of 989 mm for 2020.  As of the 22nd of December 2021 Lake Bellfield is holding 59,150ML or 75% full compared to the same period last year of 52,860ML or 67% full. The total system is holding 227,770ML or 40.65% full. This compares to the same period last year of 209,800ML or 37.44% full.
Mount William received 10.4 mm for December 2021. The highest temperature of 26.6 C was recorded on the 1st of December 2021 and the lowest of 0.6 C was recorded on the 5th of December 2021. The highest wind speed of 89 km/h was recorded on the 18th December 2021.

November 2021

70.5 mm for November bringing the progressive total for 2021 to 1087.5 mm. This compares to the same period last year of 48.5 mm for November with a progressive total of 952.5 mm for 2020.  As of the 24th of November 2021 Lake Bellfield is holding 60,390ML or 77% full compared to the same period last year of 54,260ML or 69% full. The total system is holding 241.620ML or 43.12 % full. This compares to the same period last year of 222,530ML or 39.72% full.
Mount William received 110.0 mm for November 2021. The highest temperature of 23.1 C was recorded on the 29th of November and the lowest of  – 0.2 C was recorded on the 16th of November 2021. The highest wind speed of 102 km/h was recorded on the 18th November 2021.

October 2021

92.5 mm for October bringing the progressive total for 2021 to 1017.0 mm. This compares to the same period last year of 122.5 mm for October with a progressive total of 904.0 mm for 2020.  As of the 27th of October 2021 Lake Bellfield is holding 59,930ML or 76% full compared to the same period last year of 55,010ML or 70% full. The total system is holding 244,190ML or 43.58%full. This compares to the same period last year of 227,790ML or 40.65% full.
Mount William received 155.8 mm for October 2021. The highest temperature of 19.4 C was recorded on the 27th of October and the lowest of -1.4C was recorded on the 11th October 2021. The highest wind speed of 143 km/h was recorded on the 29th October 2021.

September 2021

68.5 mm for September bringing the progressive total for 2021 to 924.5 mm. This compares to the same period last year of 127.5 mm for September with a progressive total of 781.5 mm for 2020.  As of the 29th of September 2021 Lake Bellfield is holding 58,460 ML or 74% full compared to the same period last year of 51,110 ML or 65% full. The total system is holding 238,970 ML or 42.65% full. This compares to the same period last year of 195,060 ML or 34.81% full.
Mount William received 120.0 mm for September 2021. The highest temperature of 19.1 C was recorded on the 2nd of September and the lowest of -2.4 C was recorded on the 21st of September. The highest wind speed of 115 km/h was recorded on the 2nd of September 2021.

August 2021

88.0 mm for August bringing the progressive total for 2021 to 856.0 mm. This compares to the same period last year of 131.0 mm for August with a progressive total of 640.0 mm.  As of the 25th of August Lake Bellfield is holding 57,920ML or 74% full compared to the same period last year of 50,320ML or 64% full. The total system is holding 234,260ML or 41.81% full compared to the same period last year of 186,270ML or 33.24% full.  Mount William received 154.0 mm for August 2021. The highest temperature of 11.2 C was recorded on the 22nd of August and the lowest of -2.1 C was recorded on the 24th of August. The highest wind speed of 100 km/h was recorded on the 10th of August 2021.

July 2021

203.5 mm for July bringing the progressive total for 2021 to 768.5 mm. This compares to the same period last year of 39.5 mm with a progressive total of 523 mm.  As of the 28th of July Lake Bellfield is holding 53,520ML or 68% full compared to the same period last year of 49,020ML or 62% full. The total system is holding 196,580ML or 35.08% full compared to the same period last year of 177,930ML or 31.76% full.  Mount William received 276.6mm for July 2021. The highest temperature of 10.7 C was recorded on the 9th of July and the lowest of -2.7 C was recorded on the 25th of July. The highest wind speed of 106 km/h was recorded on the 27th of July 2021.

June 2021

205 mm for June bringing the progressive total to 565 mm for 2021.  This compares to the same period last year of 133.5 mm with a progressive total of 483.5 mm.  As of the 30th of June Lake Bellfield is holding 47,710 ML or 61% full compared to the same period last year of 48,140 ML or 61% full. The total system is holding 172,210 ML or 30.73% full compared to the same period last year of 171,780 ML or 30.66% full.  Mount William received 236.8 mm for June 2021. The highest temperature of 12.1 C was recorded on the 2nd of June and the lowest of – 0.7 was recorded on the 5th of June. The highest wind speed of 120 km/h was recorded on the 9th June 2021.

May 2021

82 mm for May bringing the progressive total to 360 mm for 2021.  This compares to the same period last year of 111.5 mm with a progressive total of 350 mm.
As of the 26th of May 2021 Lake Bellfield is holding 44,210ML or 56% full compared to the same period last year of 46,980ML or 60% full.  The total system is holding 160,560ML or 28.66% full compared to the same period last year of 165,960ML or 29.62% full.  Mount William received 136.4 mm for May. The highest temperature of 17.6 C was recorded 6th of May and the lowest of -0.6 C was recorded on the 15th of May 2021. The highest wind speed of 119 km/h was recorded on the 25th May 2021.

April 2021

28.5 mm for April bringing the progressive total to 278 mm for 2021. This compares to the same period last year of 95 mm for April with a progressive total of 238.5 mm.  As of the 28th April 2021 Lake Bellfield is holding 44,950 ML or 57 % full compared to the same period last year of 47,050 ML or 60 % full. The total system is holding 163,410 ML or 29.16 % full compared to the same period last year of 166,580 ML or 29.73 % full.  Mount William received 66.4 mm for April. The highest temperature of 24.8 C was recorded on the 3rd of April and the lowest of – 0.5 C was recorded on the 21st of April 2021. The highest wind speed of 94 km/h was recorded on the 11th April 2021.

March 2021

76.5 mm for March bringing the progressive total to 249.5 for 2021. This compares to the same period last year of 32.5 mm for March with a progressive total of 143.5 mm.  As of the 31st of March Lake Bellfield is holding 46,050 ML or 59% full compared to the same period last year of 50,430 ML or 64% full.
Mount William received 138.2 mm for March. The highest temperature of 23.7 C was recorded on the 12th of March and the lowest of 1.8 C was recorded on the 14th of March. The top wind speed of 74 km/h was recorded on the 14th of March 2021.

February 2021

8 mm for February bringing the progressive total to 173 mm for 2021. This compares to the same period last year of 75 mm for February with a progressive total of 111 mm for 2020.  As of the 24th February Lake Bellfield is holding 49,650 ML or 63% full compared to the same period last year of 51,950 ML or 66% full. The total system is holding 180,910 ML or 32.29% full compared to the same period last year of 184,710 ML or 32.97% full.  Mount William received 19.2 mm for February. The highest temperature of 27.9 C was recorded on the 10th of February and the lowest of 3.1 C was recorded on the 8, 23, and 24th of February. The highest wind speed of 91 km/h was recorded on the 5th of February 2021.

January 2021

165 mm for January. This compares to the same period last year of 36 mm for January. This is the highest recording for January since the flood year of 2011 (294mm). As of the 27th January Lake Bellfield is holding 51,030ML or 65% full compared to the same period last year of 53,410ML or 68% full. The total system is holding 194,000ML or 34.62% full compared to the same period last year of 197,710ML or 35.29% full.  Mount William received 85.8mm for January 2021 ( once again I think there was a malfunction in the recordings between the 1st and 19th of January). The highest temperature of 31.4 C was recorded on the 24th of January and the lowest of 2.3 C was recorded on the 27th of January. The highest wind speed of 98 km/h was recorded on the 25th of January 2021.

November 2020

48.5mm for November bringing the progressive total to 952.5mm for 2020. This compares to the same period last year of 50.5mm for November with a progressive total of 831mm for 2019.  As of the 25th of November Lake Bellfield is holding 54,260ML or 69% full compared to the same period last year of 57,280ML or 73% full. The total system is holding 222,530ML or 39.72% full compared to the same period last year of 235,190ML or 41.97% full.
Mount William received 24.4mm for November 2020. ( I think there was a malfunction in the recordings between the 9th of November and the 28th of November ?). The highest temperature of 28.6 C was recorded on the 27 of November and the lowest of – 0.2 C was recorded on the 5th of November. The highest wind speed of 93 km/h was recorded on the 11th of November 2020.

October 2020

122.5mm for October bringing the progressive total to 904 mm for 2020. This compares to the same period last year of 55mm for October with a progressive total of 780.5mm for 2019.  As of the 28th of October Lake Bellfield is holding 55,010ML or 70% compared to the same period last year of 58,280ML or 74% full. The total system is holding 227,790ML or 40.65% compared to the same period last year of 244,280ML or 43.60% Mount William received 147.8mm for October 2020. The highest temperature of 21.2 C was recorded on the 2nd of October and the lowest of -2.1 C was recorded on the 25th of October 2020. The highest wind speed of 115 km/h was recorded on the 8th of October 2020.

September 2020

127.5mm for September bringing the progressive total to 781.5mm for 2020. This compares to the same period last year of 132mm for September with a progressive total of 658mm for 2019.  As of the 30th of September Lake Bellfield is holding 52,100ML or 66% compared to the same period last year of 59,970ML or 76% full. The total system is holding 200,240ML or 35.74% compared to the same period last year of 249,950ML or 44.61%
Mount William received 149.6mm for September 2020. The highest temperature of 17.8 C was recorded on the 18th of September and the lowest of -2.5 C was recorded on the 26th of September 2020.   The highest wind speed of 107 km/h was recorded on the 8th of September 2020.

August 2020

131 mm for August bringing the progressive total to 640 mm for 2020. This compares to the same period last year of 132 mm for August with a progressive total of 685 mm for 2019.  As of the 26th of August Lake Bellfield is holding 50,320 ML or 64% full compared to the same period last year of 59,110 ML or 75% full. The total system is holding 186,270 ML or 33.24% full compared to the same period last year of 242,920 ML or 43.35% full.  It is interesting to note that Lake Lonsdale is holding 7,210 ML or 14% full compared to the same period last year of 20,270 ML or 38% full.  Mount William received 137.8 mm for August 2020. The highest temperature of 11.9 C was recorded on the 29th of August and the lowest of – 3.8 C was recorded on the 4th of August 2020. The highest wind speed of 113 km/h was recorded on the 30th of August 2020.

July 2020

133.5 mm for July bringing the progressive total to 483.5 mm for 2020. This compares to the same period last year of 170.5 mm for July with a progressive total of 395.5 mm for 2019.  As of the 24th of July Lake Bellfield is holding 48,140 ML or 61% full compared to the same period last year of 53,490 ML or 68% full. The total system is holding 171,780 ML or 30.66% full compared to the same period last year of 195,750ML or 34.94% full.  Mount William received 191.8 mm for July 2020. The highest temperature of 11.8 C was recorded on the 4th of July and the lowest of -1.1 C was recorded on the 7th of July 2020. The highest wind speed of 104 km/h was recorded on the 19th of July 2020.

June 2020

133.5 mm for June bringing the progressive total to 483.5 mm for 2020.  This compares to the same period last year of 170.5 mm for June with a progressive total of 395.5 mm for 2019.  As of the 24th of June Lake Bellfield is holding 48,140 ML or 61% full  compared to the same period last year of 53,490 ML or 68% full.  The total system is holding 171,780 ML or 30.66% full compared to the same period last year of 195.750 ML or 34.94 % full.  Mount William received 191.8 mm for June 2020. The highest temperature of 11.8 C was recorded on the 4th of June and the lowest of -1.1 C was recorded on the 7th of June 2020. The highest wind speed of 104 km/h was recorded on the 19th of June 2020.

May 2020

111.5 mm for May bringing the progressive total for 2020 to 350 mm. This compares to the same period last year of 158.5 mm for May with a progressive total of 225 mm.  As of the 27th of May Lake Bellfield is holding 46,980ML or 60% full compared to the same period last year of 52,940ML or 67% full. The total system is holding 165,960ML or 29.62% full compared to the same period last year of 191,610ML or 34.20% full.  Mount William received 116.2 mm for May 2020. The highest temperature of 13 C was recorded on the 7th of May and the lowest of – 0.6 C was recorded on the 10th of May. The highest wind speed of 117 km/h was recorded on the 7th of May 2020.

April 2020

95 mm for April bringing the progressive total for 2020 to 238.5 mm. This compares to the same period last year of 14.5 mm for April with a progressive total of 66.5 mm.  As of the 29th of April Lake Bellfield is holding 47,050 ML or 60% full compared to the same period last year of 53,560 ML or 68% full.  The total system is holding 166,580 ML or 29.73 % full compared to the same period last year of 193,690 ML or 34.57 % full.  Mount William received 151.0 mm for April 2020.The highest temperature of 17.1 C was recorded on the 14th of April and the lowest of 0.8 C was recorded on the 30th of April. The highest wind speed of 48 km/h was recorded on the 8th of April.

March 2020

32.5 mm for March bringing the progressive total for 2020 to 143.5 mm. This compares to the same period last year of 14.5 mm for March with a progressive total of 52 mm.  As of the 25th of March Lake Bellfield is holding 50,430 ML or 64 % full compared to the same period last year of 54,810 ML or 70 % full. The total system is holding 173,230 ML or 30.92 ML compared to the same period last year of 205,630 ML or 36.70 % full.  Mount William received 44 mm for March 2020. The highest temperature of 25 C was recorded on the 18th of March and the lowest of 1.8 C was recorded on the 14th of March. The highest wind speed of 102 km/h was recorded on the 13th of March.

February 2020

75 mm for February bringing the progressive total for 2020 to 111 mm. This compares to the same period last year of 36mm for February with a progressive total of 38 mm.  As of the 26th of February Lake Bellfield is holding 51,950ML or 66% full compared to the same period last year of 59,440ML or 76% full. The total system is holding 184,710ML or 32.97% full compared to the same period last year of 220,720ML or 39.39% full.  Mount William received 70.2 mm for February 2020 bringing the progressive total to 105.8 mm compared to the same period last year of 32.4 mm with a progressive total of 35 mm.  The highest temperature of 26.7 C was recorded on the 13th of February and the lowest of 2.2C was recorded on the 4th of February. The highest wind speed of 91 km/h was recorded on the 18th of February.

January 2020

36 mm for January 2020 compared to the same period last year of 2 mm for January 2019.As of the 29th of January 2020 Lake Bellfield is holding 53,410ML or 68% full compared to the same period last year of 61,720ML or 79% full. The total system is holding 197,710ML or 35.29% full compared to the same period last year of 242,140ML or 43.22% full.  Mount William received 35.6 mm for January 2020 compared to the same period last year of 3 mm for January 2019.The highest temperature of 34.0 C was recorded on the 31st of January and the lowest of 1.8 C was recorded on the 17th of January.
The highest wind speed of 98 km/h was recorded on the 22nd of January.

December 2019

9 mm for December bringing the progressive total for 2019 to 840 mm. This compares to the same period last year of 106.5 mm for December with a progressive total of 942.5 mm.  As of the 25th of December Lake Bellfield is holding 55,680ML or 71% full compared to the same period last year of 63,590ML or 81% full. The total system is holding 216,980ML or 38.72% full compared to the same period last year of 261,040ML or 46.59 % full.  Mount William received 19.4 mm for December. The highest temperature of 36.1 C was recorded on the 20th of December and the lowest of -0.2 C was recorded on the 2nd of December.
The highest wind speed of 91 km/h was recorded on the 2nd of December.

November 2019

50.5mm for November bringing the progressive total for 2019 to 831mm. This compares to the same period last year of 75mm for the month with a progressive total of 836mm.The average rainfall for the past 18 years from 2000-2018 is 994.7mm per year. And from 1959-1999 for an average of 1000.7mm per year. (However there are 8 inconclusive years in this period.)  As of the 27th of November Lake Bellfield is holding 57,280ML or 73% full compared to the same period last year of 64,540ML or 82% full.  Mount William received 104.8mm for November. The highest temperature of 27.5 C was recorded on the 21st of November and the lowest of -0.8 C was recorded on the 5th of November. The highest wind speed of 131 km/h was recorded on the 21st of November.

October 2019

55 mm for October bringing the progressive total for 2019 to 780.5 mm. This compares to the same period last year of 40 mm for the month with a progressive total of 761 mm.  As of the 30th of October Lake Bellfield is holding 58,380ML or 74% full compared to the same period last year of 65,970ML or 84% full. The total system is holding 244,280ML or 43.60% compared to the same period last year of 284,250ML or 50.73% full.  Mount William received 60.4mm for October. The highest temperature of 26 C was recorded on the 24th of October and the lowest of -0.7 C was recorded on the 9th of October. The highest wind speed of 124 km/h was was recorded on the 25th of October.

September 2019

67.5mm for September bringing the progressive total for 2019 to 725.5mm. This compares to the same period last year of 25.0mm for September with a progressive total of 721mm.  As of the 25th of September Lake Bellfield is holding 59,970ML or 76% full compared to the same period last year of 67,370ML or 86% full. The total system is holding 560,311ML or 44.61% compared to the same period last year of 293,300ML or 52.35% full.  Mount William received 91.4mm for September. The highest temperature of 15.8C was recorded on the 20th of September and the lowest of -2.7C was recorded on the 17th of September. The highest wind speed of 109 km/h was recorded on the 15th of September.

August 2019

132mm for August bringing the progressive total for 2019 to 658mm. This compares to the same period last year of 184mm for August with a progressive total for 2018 of 696mm.  As of the 28th of August Lake Bellfield is holding 59,110ML or 75% full compared to the same period last year of 67,590ML or 86% full. The total system is holding 249,920ML or 43.35% full compared to the same period last year of 293,800ML or 52.44% full.  Mount William received 124.8mm for August. The highest temperature of 9.6C was recorded on the 15th of August and the lowest of -2.6C was recorded on the 19th of August. The highest wind speed of 115 km/h was recorded on the 22nd of August.

July 2019

130.5mm for July bringing the progressive total for 2019 to 526mm. This compares to the same period last year of 167mm for July with a progressive total for 2018 of 512mm.  As of the 24th of July Lake Bellfield is holding 56,280ML or 72% full compared to the same period last year of 63,460ML or 81% full. The total system is holding 219,140ML or 39.11% full compared to the same period last year of 264,970ML or 47.29% full.  Mount William received 158mm for July 2019 compared to 146.6mm for July 2018.The highest temperature of 9.7C was recorded on the 6th of July and the lowest of -1.6C was recorded on the 13th of July. The highest wind speed of 119 km/h was recorded on the 10th of July.

June 2019

170.5mm for June bringing the progressive total for 2019 to 395.5mm. This compares to the same period last year of 124.5mm for June with a progressive total for 2018 of 345mm.  As of the 26th of June Lake Bellfield is holding 53,490ML or 68% full compared to the same period last year of 61,850ML or 79% full. The total system is holding 195,750ML or 34.94% full compared to the same period last year of 258,300ML or 46.10% full.  Mount William received 153.0mm for June. The highest temperature of 11.1 C was recorded on the 7th of June and the lowest of -1.1 C was recorded on the 22nd of June. The highest wind speed of 113 km/h was recorded on the 10th of June.

May 2019

158.5mm for May bringing the progressive total for 2019 to 225.0mm. This compared to the same period last year of 122.5mm for May with a progressive total of 221.5mm.  As of the 29th of May Lake Bellfield is holding 52,940ML or 67% full compared to the same period last year of 61,220ML or 78% full. The total system is holding 191,610ML or 34.20% full compared to the same period last year of 256,630ML or 45.80% full.  Mount William received 196.2mm for May. This compares to the same period last year of 157.6mm. The highest temperature of 13.5 C was recorded on the 23rd of May and the lowest of -2.1C was recorded on the 30th of May. The highest wind speed of 111 km/h was recorded on the 10th of May.

April 2019

14.5mm for April bringing the progressive total for 2019 to 66.5mm. This compares to the same period last year of 35.0mm for April with a progressive total 99.0mm.  As of the 24th of April Lake Bellfield is holding 53,560ML or 68% full compared to the same period last year of 62,020ML or 79% full. The total system is holding 194,350ML or 34.69% full compared to the same period last year of 261,700ML or 46.71% full.  As of the 30th of April Mount William received 35.8mm. This compares to the same period last year of 61mm. The highest temperature of 22.9 C was recorded on the 16th of April and the lowest of 0.5 C was recorded on the 27th of April. The highest wind speed of 98 km/h was recorded on the 21st of April.

March 2019

14.0mm for March bringing the progressive total for 2019 to 52.0mm. This compares to the same period last year of 27.0mm for March with a progressive total of 64.0mm.  As of the 27th of March Lake Bellfield is holding 54,810ML or 70% full compared to the same period last year of 63,300ML or 81% full. The total system is holding 205,630ML or 36.70% full compared to the same period last year of 272,130ML or 48.57% full.  As of the 31st of March Mount William received 40.2mm. This compares to the same period last year of 36.0mm.The highest temperature of 31.0 C was recorded on the 1st of March and the lowest of -0.1 C was recorded on 30th of March. The highest wind speed of 94 km/h was recorded on the 24th & 25th of March.

February 2019

36.0mm for February bringing the progressive total for 2019 to 40.0mm. This compares to the same period last year of 20.0mm for February with a progressive total of 37.0mm.  As of the 27th of February Lake Bellfield is holding 59,440ML or 76% full compared to the same period last year of 67,100ML or 85% full. The total system is holding 220,720ML or 39.39% full compared to the same period last year of 293,690ML or 52.42% full.  Mount William received 32.4mm for February bringing the progressive total for 2019 to 35.0mm. This compares to the same period last year of 33.8mm with a progressive total of 57.0mm.
The highest temperature of 33.6 C was recorded on the 3rd of February and the lowest of 2.3 C was recorded on the 13th of February. The highest wind speed of 91 km/h was recorded on the 12th of February.

January 2019

Only 2 mm for January. This compares to the same period last year of 17 mm.  As of the 30th of January Lake Bellfield is holding 61,180ML or 78% full compared to the same period last year of 68,660ML or 87% full. The total system is holding 236,920ML or 42.28% full compared to the same period last year  of 309,510ML or 55.24% full. It is interesting to note other Reservoir’s in the area, Lake Fyans, 12,420ML or 67% compared to 13,180ML or 71% full. Lake Lonsdale 9,350ML or 18% full compared to 26,640ML or 50% full. Moora Moora 2,960ML or 47% full compared to 4,200ML or 67% full. Lake Wartook 14,420ML or 49% full compared to 22,030ML or 75%.   Mount William received 3 mm for January. This compares to the same period last year of 23.2 mm. The highest temperature of 34.4 C was recorded on the 24th and the lowest of 3.9 C was recorded on the 10th of January. The highest wind speed of  78 km/h was recorded on the 12th of January.

December 2018

106.5 mm for December, bringing the progressive total to 942.5 mm. This compares to the same period last year of 33.0 mm with a progressive total of 985.5 mm
As of the 19th of December Lake Bellfield is holding 63,890ML or 81% full compared to the same period last year of 70,550ML or 90% full. The total system is holding 264,290ML or 47.17% full compared to the same period last year of 331,982ML or 59.25%.  Mount William received 82.2 mm for December compared to the same period last year of 54.2 mm. The maximum temperature of 31.9 C was recorded on the 27th of December and the minimum of 2.7 C was recorded on the 2nd of December. The highest wind speed of 109 km/h was recorded on the 1st of December.

November 2018

75.0 mm for November, bringing the progressive total to 836.0 mm. This compares to the same period last year of 41.0 mm with a progressive total of 952.00 mm
As of the 28th of November Lake Bellfield is holding 64,540ML or 82% full compared to the same period last year of 72,230ML or 92% full. The total system is holding 270,730ML or 48.32% full compared to the same period last year of 351,851ML or 62.80%.  Mount William received 74.4 mm for November compared to the same period last year of 66.6 mm. The maximum temperature of 23.0 C was recorded on the 23rf of November and the minimum of 0.1 C was recorded on the 22nd of November. The highest wind speed of 107 km/h was recorded on the 22nd of November.

October 2018

>40 mm for October, bringing the progressive total to 761.0 mm. This compares to the same period last year of 72.5 mm. with a progressive total of 911.00 mm.
As of the 24th of October  Lake Bellfield is holding 65,970 ML or 84% full compared to the same period last year of 73,380 ML or 93% full. The total system is holding 284,250 ML or 50.73% full compared to the same period last year of 367,662 ML .or 65.62% full.  Mount William received 81.6 mm for October  compared to the same period last year of 44.6 mm for October. The highest temperature of 21.1 C was recorded on the 22nd of October and the lowest of – 0.5 C was recorded on the 4th & 10th of October. The highest wind speed of 106  km/h was recorded on the 16th of October.

September 2018

25 mm for September, bringing the progressive total to 721.0 mm. This compares to the same period last year of 118 mm. with a progressive total of 720.5 mm.
As of the 26th of September  Lake Bellfield is holding 67,370 ML or 86% full compared to the same period last year of 73,240 ML or 93% full. The total system is holding 293,300 ML or 52.35% full compared to the same period last year of 368,491 ML .or 65.77% full.  Mount William received 49.6 mm for September  compared to the same period last year of 111.4 mm for September. The highest temperature of 16.6 C was recorded on the 11th of September and the lowest of – 2.6 C was recorded on the 16th of September. The highest wind speed of 109  km/h was recorded on the 6th of September.

August 2018

184 mm for August, bringing the progressive total to 696.0 mm. This compares to the same period last year of 213.5 mm. with a progressive total of 720.5 mm.
As of the 29th of August  Lake Bellfield is holding 67,590 ML or 86% full compared to the same period last year of 68,840 ML or 88% full. The total system is holding 293,800 ML or 52.44% full compared to the same period last year of 339,054 ML .or 60.51% full.  Mount William received 180.4 mm for August  compared to the same period last year of 228 mm for August. The highest temperature of 12.0 C was recorded on the 25th of August and the lowest of – 2.3 C was recorded on the 12th of August. The highest wind speed of 111 km/h was recorded on the 10th & 15th of August.

July 2018

167 mm for July, bringing the progressive total to 512.0 mm. This compares to the same period last year of 160 mm. with a progressive total of 507.0 mm.
As of the 25th of July  Lake Bellfield is holding 63,460 ML or 81% full compared to the same period last year of 64,450 ML or 82% full. The total system is holding 264,970 ML or 47.29% full compared to the same period last year of 304,379ML .or 54.32% full.  167 mm for July, bringing the progressive total to 512.0 mm. This compares to the same period last year of 160 mm. with a progressive total of 507.0 mm. As of the 25th of July  Lake Bellfield is holding 63,460 ML or 81% full compared to the same period last year of 64,450 ML or 82% full. The total system is holding 264,970 ML or 47.29% full compared to the same period last year of 304,379ML .or 54.32% full.  Mount William received 146.6 mm for July ( unfortunately the weather station on Mount William did not start recording until the 7th of July). This compares to the same period last year of 158.4 mm for July. The highest temperature of 11.7 C was recorded on the 28th of July and the lowest of – 1.4 C was recorded on the 12th of July. The highest wind speed of 113 km/h was recorded on the 6th of July.

June 2018

124.5 mm for June, bringing the progressive total to 345.0 mm. This compares to the same period last year of 12.5 mm. with a progressive total of 347.0 mm.
As of the 27th of June  Lake Bellfield is holding 61,850 ML or 79% full compared to the same period last year of 63,850 ML or 81% full. The total system is holding 258,300 ML or 46.10% full compared to the same period last year of 296,658 ML .or 52.95% full.  Mount William received 0.2 mm for June (unfortunately the weather station on Mount William has not been recording since the 2nd of June.) 2017 rain for Mount William was 47.4m

May 2018

122.5 mm for May, bringing the progressive total to 221.5 mm. This compares to the same period last year of 128.5 mm. with a progressive total of 334.5 mm. As of the 30th of May Lake Bellfield is holding 61,220 ML or 78% full compared to the same period last year of 64,060 ML or 82% full. The total system is holding 256,630 ML or 45.80% full compared to the same period last year of 296,344 ML .or 52.89% full.  Mount William received 157.6 mm for May  compared to the same period last year of 141.0 mm. The highest temperature of 31.6 C was recorded on the 11th of May and the lowest of – 0.9 C was recorded on the 17th  of May. The highest wind speed of 135 km/h was recorded on the 11th of May.

April 2018

35.0 mm for April, bringing the progressive total to 99.0 mm. This compares to the same period last year of 117 mm. with a progressive total of 206 mm.
As of the 25th of April  Lake Bellfield is holding 62,020 ML or 79% full compared to the same period last year of 64,490 ML or 82% full. The total system is holding 261,700 ML or 446.71% full compared to the same period last year of 298,047 ML .or 53.19% full.  Mount William received 61.0 mm for April, with a progressive total of 154.0 mm  compared to the same period last year of 129 mm with a progressive total of 262.2 mm.  The highest temperature of 26.1 C was recorded on the 11th of April and the lowest of 1.9 C was recorded on the 17th  of April. The highest wind speed of 104 km/h was recorded on the 14th of April.


27.0 mm for March, bringing the progressive total to 64.0 mm. This compares to the same period last year of 17.5 mm. with a progressive total of 87.5 mm.
As of the 28th of March Lake Bellfield is holding 63,300 ML or 81% full compared to the same period last year of 65,320 ML or 83% full. The total system is holding 272,130 ML or 48.57% full compared to the same period last year of 303,609 ML .or 54.19% full. Mount William received 36.0 mm for March, with a progressive total of 93.0 mm  compared to the same period last year of 30.4 mm with a progressive total of 133.2 mm.  The highest temperature of 28.8 C was recorded on the 9th of March and the lowest of 0.8 C was recorded on the 26th  of March. The highest wind speed of 100 km/h was recorded on the 17th of March.

February 2018

20.0 mm for February, bringing the progressive total to 37.0 mm. This compares to the same period last year of 17.0 mm. with a progressive total of 70.5 mm. As of the 28th of February  Lake Bellfield is holding 66,190 ML or 84% full compared to the same period last year of 68,040 ML or 87% full. The total system is holding 287,120 ML or 51.24% full compared to the same period last year of 324,838 ML .or 57.97% full.  Mount William received 33.8 mm for February, with a progressive total of 57.0 mm  compared for the same period last year of 30.4 mm with a progressive total of 89.6 mm.  The highest temperature of 31.1 C was recorded on the 7th of February and the lowest of 3.0 C was recorded on the 1st  of February. The highest wind speed of 96 km/h was recorded on the 14th of February.

January 2018

17.0 mm for January. This compares to the same period last year of 53.5 mm. As of the 31st January  Lake Bellfield is holding 68,660 ML or 87% full compared to the same period last year of 69,640 ML or 89% full. The total system is holding 309,510 ML or 55.24% full compared to the same period last year of 343,008 ML.
Mount William received 23.2 mm for January,  compared for the same period last year of 59.2 mm. The highest temperature of 36.1 C was recorded on the 19th of January and the lowest of 3.3 C was recorded on the 31st  of January. The highest wind speed of 91 km/h was recorded on the 12th of

December 2017

33.0 mm for December bringing the progressive total for the year to 985.5 mm. This compares to the same period last year of 55.5 mm with a progressive total of 1272.0mm.  As of the 20th of December  Lake Bellfield is holding 71,460 ML or 91% full compared to the same period last year of 70,910 ML or 90% full. The total system is holding 340,410 ML or 60.66% full compared to the same period last year of 360,180 ML or 64.18% full.  Mount William received 54.2 mm for December,  compared for the same period last year of 63.6 mm. The highest temperature of 30.4 C was recorded on the 13th and the lowest of 2.3 C was recorded on the 3rd  of December. The highest wind speed of 96 km/h was recorded on the 2nd of December.

November 2017

41.0 mm for November bringing the progressive total for the year to 952.0 mm. This compares to the same period last year of 58.5 mm with a progressive total of 1216.5mm.  As of the 29th of November  Lake Bellfield is holding 72,230 ML or 92% full compared to the same period last year of 72,090 ML or 92% full. The total system is holding 351,490 ML or 62.63% full compared to the same period last year of 379,240 ML or 57.50% full.  Mount William received 66.6 mm for November,  compared for the same period last year of 110.8 mm. The highest temperature of 28 C was recorded on the 29th and the lowest of -1.1 C was recorded on the 4th of November. The highest wind speed of 87 km/h was recorded on the 15th of November.

October  2017

72.5 mm for October bringing the progressive total for the year to 911.0 mm. This compares to the same period last year of 161.0 mm with a progressive total of 1158.0mm.  As of the 1st of November  Lake Bellfield is holding 73,200 ML or 93% full compared to the same period last year of 71,000 ML or 90% full. The total system is holding 364,290 ML or 64.91% full compared to the same period last year of 370,000 ML or 65.93% full.  Mount William received 44.6 mm for October, ( unusually much less than Halls Gap). compared for the same period last year of 225 mm. The highest temperature of 14.6 C was recorded on the 18th and the lowest of -0.1 C was recorded on the 6th of October. The highest wind speed of 102 km/h was recorded on the 11th of October.

September  2017

118.0mm for September bringing the progressive total for the year to 838.5mm. This compares to the same period last year of 232.5mm with a progressive total of 997.0mm.
As of the 27th of September Lake Bellfield is holding 73,240ML or 93% full compared to the same period last year of 61,890ML or 79% full. The total system is holding 368,090ML or 65.59% full compared to the same period last year of 307,050ML or 54.71% full.
Mount William received 111.4mm for September, compared for the same period last year of 328.2mm. The highest temperature of 12.0 C was recorded on the 23rd and the lowest of -2.4 C was recorded on the 5th of September. The highest wind speed was recorded on the 18th of September of 117.06 km/h.

August 2017

213.5mm for August bringing the progressive total for the year to 720.5mm.This compares to the same period last year of116.0mm with a progressive total of 764.5mm.
As of the 30th of August Lake Bellfield is holding 69,780ML or 89% full compared to the same period last year of 54,410ML or 69% full.
The total system is holding 347,500ML or 61.92% full compared to the same period last year of 214,770ML or 38.27% full.
Mount William received 228.00mm for August.The highest temperature of 13.0 C was recorded on the 14th and the lowest of -2.5 C was recorded on the 27th August.

July 2017

160mm for July bringing the progressive total for the year to 507.0mm.This compares to the same period last year of 247.5mm with a progressive total of 648.5mm. As of the 26th of July Lake Bellfield is holding 64,450ML or 82% full compared to the same period last year of 49,720ML or 63% full.
The total system is holding 304,130ML or 54.19% full compared to the same period last year of 166.380ML or 29.65% full.
Mount William received 158.4mm for July compared to the same period last year of 168.4mm.(this was not a true recording in 2016 as the station had not been recording since the 23rd of July). The highest temperature of 12.1 C was recorded on the 29th and the lowest of -1.5 C was recorded on the 21st.

June 2017

12.5mm for June bringing the progressive total for the year to 347.0mm.This is the lowest June recording since 1969 when 12.2mm was recorded. This compares to the same period last year of 121.5mm with a progressive total of 401.0mm.
As of the 28th of June Lake Bellfield is holding 63,850ML or 81% full compared to the same period last year of 43,030ML or 55% full. The total system is holding 296,420ML or 52.82% full compared to the same period last year of 131,020ML or 23.35% full.
Mount William received 47.4mm for June compared to the same period last year of 164.8mm.The highest temperature of 13.4 C was recorded on the 13th and the lowest of -1.0 C was recorded on the 30th.

May 2017

128.5mm for  bringing the progressive total for the year to 334.5mm.This compares to the same period last year of 164.00mm for May with a progressive total of 279.5mm.
As of the 31st of May Lake Bellfield is holding 64,190ML or 82% full compared to the same period last year of 42,050ML or 54% full. The total system is holding 298,590ML or 53.2% full compared to the same period last year of 124,960ML
Mount William received 141mm for May. The maximum temperature of 13.8C was recorded on the 10th May and the minimum of -0.4C was recorded on the 31st of May.

April 2017

117.00mm for April bringing the progressive total for the year to 206.0mm.This compares to the same period last year of 13.00mm for April with a progressive total of 114.5mm.
As of the 26th of April Lake Bellfield is holding 64,490ML or 82% full compared to the same period last year of 42,420ML or 54% full. The total system is holding 298,400ML or 53.17% full compared to the same period last year of 123,530ML
Mount William received 129mm for April compared to the same period last year of 22.8mm. The maximum temperature of 19.2C was recorded on the 7th April and the minimum of -0.3C was recorded on the 27th of April. The maximum wind gust of 91 km/h was recorded on the 26th of April.

March 2017

Only 18.5mm was recorded for March, the lowest rainfall for March since 2007 (12.4mm).The progressive total for 2017 is 89.0mm compared to last year of 37.5mm for March with a progressive total of 114.5mm.
As of the 29th of March 2017 Lake Bellfield is holding 65,320ML or 83% full compared to the same period last year of 43,790ML or 56% full. The total system is holding 304,310ML or 54.22% full compared to the same period last year of 128,370ML or 22.87% full.
Mount William received 43.6mm for March compared to the same period last year of 54.8mm. The maximum temperature of 28.6 C was recorded on the 1st of March on Mount William. The minimum temperature of 2.2 C was recorded on the 31st of March on Mount William.

February 2017

A dry month with only 17.0mm being recorded bringing the progressive total to 70.5mm.This compares to the same period last year of 43.0mm for February with a progressive total of 64.0mm.
As of 22nd February Lake Bellfield is holding 68,040ML or 87% full. This compares to the same period last year of 45,660ML or 58% full. The total system is holding 325,390ML or 57.98% full compared to the same period last year of 137,410ML or 24.48% full.
Mount William received 30.4mm for February bringing the progressive total to 89.6mm.This compares to the same period last year of 51.2mm for February with a progressive total of 156.2mm. The maximum temperature of 33.5 C was recorded on the 9th of February at Mount William. The minimum temperature of 2.9 C was recorded on the  19th of February at Mount William.

January 2017

A good January rainfall of 53.5mm. This compares to the same period last year of 21.0mm.
As of 1st January Lake Bellfield is holding 69,150ML or 88% full. This compares to the same period last year of 47,120ML or 60% full. The total system is holding 338,920ML or 60.39% full compared to the same period last year of 145,560ML or 25.94% full.
Mount William received 59.2mm for January. This compares to the same period last year of 105.0mm.
The maximum temperature of 30.6 C was recorded on the 17th of January at Mount William. The minimum of 2.7 C was recorded on the 19th of January at Mount William.

December 2016

55.5mm was recorded bringing the progressive total for 2016 to 1272mm, the highest rainfall total since 1964 when we received 1326.5mm. ( four years earlier, 1960 we received 1542.0mm).
This compares to the same period last year of 26.0mm with a progressive total of 740.5mm. As of 28th of December 2016 Lake Bellfield is holding 70,910ML or 90% full. This compares to the same period last year of 48,830ML or 62% full.  The total system is holding 356,200ML or 63.96% full compared to the same period last year of 152,110ML or 22.31% full.  Fyans is 83% full, Lonsdale 87% full, Moora Moora 88% full, Rocklands 50% full, Stawell 96% full, Taylors 96% full, Toolondo 29% full, Wartook 95% full and Green Lake 79% full.  Mount William received 63.6mm for December. The maximum temperature of 28.9 C was recorded on the 26th of December at Mount William. The minimum of 1.2 C was recorded on the 9th and 15th of December at Mount William.

November 2016

58.5mm was recorded bringing the progressive total for 2016 to 1216.5mm. This compares to the same period last year of 25.0mm with a progressive total of 714.5mm.  As of 30th of November 2016 Lake Bellfield is holding 71,910ML or 92% full. This compares to the same period last year of 50,840ML or 65% full.
The total system is holding 372,490ML or 65% full compared to the same period last year of 164,780ML or 29.59% full.  Mount William received 110.8mm for November. Compared to the same period last year of 37.2mm. The maximum temperature of 28 C was recorded on the 21st of November at Mount William. The minimum of -0.1 C was recorded on the 1st of November at Mount William.

October 2016

161mm was recorded bringing the progressive total for 2016 to 1158mm. This compares to the same period last year of 2.0mm with a progressive total of 689.5mm.  As of 26th October 2016 Lake Bellfield is holding 71,000ML or 90% full. This compares to the same period last year of 52,060ML or 66% full.
The total system is holding 370,000ML or 66.44% full compared to the same period last year of 171,930ML or 30.87% full.
Mount William received 225mm for October. Compared to the same period last year of 11.4mm.  The maximum temperature of 19.4 C was recorded on the 25th of October at Mount William. The minimum of -1.7 C was recorded on the 31st of October at Mount William.

September 2016

232.5mm was recorded bringing the progressive total for 2016 to 997.0mm. This compares to the same period last year of 52.0mm with a progressive total of 687.5mm.  As of 28th September 2016 Lake Bellfield is holding 61,890ML or 79% full. This compares to the same period last year of 53,330ML or 68% full. The total system is holding 307,050ML or 55.14% full compared to the same period last year of 179,950ML or 32.31% full.  Mount William received 328.2mm for September. Compared to the same period last year of 99.6mm. The maximum temperature of 12.4 C was recorded on the 8th of September at Mount William.

August 2016

116.0 mm was recorded bringing the progressive total for 2016 to 764.5mm. This compares to the same period last year of 51.5 mm with a progressive total of 635.5mm.  As of 31st August 2016 Lake Bellfield is holding 54,410ML or 69% full. This compares to the same period last year of 54,570 ML or 69% full. The total system is holding 214,770ML or 38.57% full compared to the same period last year of 176,336ML or 31.66% full.  Mount William received 0mm for September.(???) Compared to the same period last year of 129.2mm. The maximum temperature of 4.4 C was recorded on the 31st of August at Mount William. The minimum of -1.1 C was recorded on the 20th of August at Mount William.  I phoned the Bureau of Meteorology re. Mount William and was told the problem was a faulty rain gauge which was rectified on the 1st of Sept. and unfortunately there will be no official recording for August 2016.

July 2016

247.5 mm was recorded bringing the progressive total for 2016 to 648.5 mm. This compares to the same period last year of 144 mm with a progressive total of 584 mm.  As of 27TH July 2016 Lake Bellfield is holding 49,720ML or 63% full. This compares to the same period last year of 52,981 ML or 67% full.
The total system is holding 162,860 ML or 29.24 % full compared to the same period last year of 168,631ML or 30.28 % full. Mount William received 168.4 mm for the month (although this is not a true record as the station has not been recording since the 23rd of July ) Compared to the same period last year of 143.6 mm. The maximum temperature of 10.7 C was recorded on the 21st of July at Mount William. The minimum of -3.6 C was recorded on the 13th of July at Mount William. The top wind speed of 113 km/h was recorded on the 12th of July.

June 2016

121.5 mm was recorded bringing the progressive total for 2016 to 401 mm. This compares to the same period last year of 92.5 mm with a progressive total of 440 mm.  As of the 29th  June 2016 Lake Bellfield is holding 43,720ML or 56 % full.  This compares to the same period last year of 51,186 ML or 65% full.
The total system is holding 130,860 ML or 23.50 % full compared to the same period last year of 160,456 ML or 28.81 % full.  Mount William received 164.8 mm for the month  compared to the same period last year of 113.8 mm. The maximum temperature of 11 .0 C was recorded on the 3rd of June at Mount William. The minimum of -2.6 C was recorded on the 13th of June at Mount William. The top wind speed of 113 km/h was recorded on the 25th of June.

May 2016

Up to the 30th May 2016 a good rainfall of 165mm being recorded bringing the progressive total for the year to 279.5mm.  This compares to the same period last year of 114.5mm with a progressive total of 341.5mm.  As of 25th May 2016 Lake Bellfield is holding 42,050ML or 54% full compared to the same period last year of 50,656ML or 64% full.  The total system is holding 121,620ML or 21.84% full compared to the same period last year of 156,436ML or 28.9% full.  Lake Lonsdale and the Moora Moora Reservoir are still registering 0% full.  As of the 29th May Mount William has received 96.6mm of rain (however this is not an accurate measure as he automatic station did not record for 11days.)  This compares to the same period las year of 164.4mm.  The highest temperature of 17.2C was recorded on the 7th of May and the lowest temperature of -0.4C was recorded on the 29th of May.

April 2016

As of the 4th of May  Lake Bellfield is holding 42,290 ML or 54% full compared to the same period last year of 51,300 ML or 65% full.  The total system is holding 119,780 ML or 21.51% full compared to the same period last year of 157,526 ML .or 28.29% full.  Mount William received 22.8 mm for April compared to the same period last year of 63.8 mm for October. The highest temperature of 12.8 C was recorded on the 20th of April and the lowest of  2.3 C was recorded on the 17th of April. The highest wind speed of 100 km/h was recorded on the 27th of April.

March 2016

37.5 mm for March, bringing the progressive total to 101.5 mm. This compares to the same period last year of 48 mm. with a progressive total of 192.5 mm. As of the 6th of April  Lake Bellfield is holding 43,460 ML or 55% full compared to the same period last year of 52,402 ML or 67% full.  The total system is holding 123,560 ML or 22.19% full compared to the same period last year of 161,443 ML .or 28.99% full.  Mount William received 54.8 mm for March compared to the same period last year of 84.2 mm . The highest temperature of 31.8 C was recorded on the 8th of March and the lowest of  3.0 C was recorded on the 28th of March. The highest wind speed of 93 km/h was recorded on the 18th of March.