Grampians Walking Tracks Support Group

Who we are

The Grampians Walking Track Support Group was formed by our convenor, David Witham, in 2003 to attract and coordinate volunteer interest in maintaining and improving walking tracks within the Grampians National Park.

We operate under the broad umbrella of the Community Association of Halls Gap which also undertakes other activities such as the Halls Gap Botanic Garden, Halls Gap & Grampians Historical Society and Grampians Film Society and provides support for Run the Gap and Halls Gap Landcare.

What do we do?

In partnership with Parks Victoria, we carry out vital maintenance on popular walking tracks, such as trimming vegetation, cleaning water runoffs and clearing fallen timber.

Most of our works are carried out through the efforts of walking clubs:

  • Grampians Bushwalking Club – Heatherlie and other walking tracks
  • Wimmera Bushwalking Club – Mt Zero and Mackenzie River Walking Tracks
  • Warrnambool Bushwalking Club – Southern Grampians walking tracks
  • Melbourne Bushwalkers and  Victorian Mountain Tramping Club – various tracks

It is a simple model and works extremely well. Please note that individuals outside these clubs are welcome to join their working bees by registering through ParkConnect.

Golton Gorge

In recent years we recruited an enthusiastic group of more local volunteers to work with Parks Victoria to restore walking access into Golton Gorge. The original track on the north side of the creek was badly damaged in the 2014 Northern Grampians Fire. Our enthusiastic crew of volunteers completed the new alignment on the south side to the first set of falls and, with the assistance of Parks Victoria staff, redeveloped the access road, car park and picnic area.

Other activities

Our work with Parks Victoria extends to other initiatives, such as providing advice on the planning and development of the Grampians Peaks Trail.

We have assisted Parks Victoria with funding for improved track access into Summer Day Valley in the Northern section of the Grampians.

The All-Abilities Walking Track and TrailRider Guide covering walking tracks in Grampians National Park was published with funding from our group.

We also have links with Bushwalking Victoria and promote our activities through this organisation.

Would you like to assist?

If you would like to help, there are a number of ways that you could be involved:

  • You may belong to or know of an organisation or group of volunteers who would like to “adopt a track” and help maintain our great walking track network.
  • We welcome volunteers to help maintain the new Golton Gorge Walking Track.
  • Leaders are needed for each project, someone to meet and greet volunteers and provide direction and local information.
  • Or you may wish to register on Park Connect through the Parks Victoria website to join any of our working bees or other volunteering opportunities around the State.

Contact us

Please don’t hesitate to contact us if you would like more information or would like to help.

David Witham   Phone: 03 53564300  Email:

Graham Parkes   Phone: 0429 839179 Email: